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Make New Media Connections at CWIMA’S July 15th Event


Make New Media Connections at CWIMA’S July 15th Event
Enjoy a More-Relaxed Fellowship at the Summer “In-Person” Get Together

July 12, 2021 – Dallas, TX. – Numerous Christian Women in Media Association (CWIMA) Connect Groups will be meeting in person at locations globally this Thursday, July 15th. It will be a more relaxed atmosphere where most cities will offer an extended time of networking to get-to-know like-minded media professionals.

The Dallas Connect Event, led in July by Vice-President of International Connections, Marina McLean, will be located at Trinity Groves, 3011 Gulden Lane, Suite 116, Dallas, Texas. Attendees will purchase their own lunch at one of several restaurants in the Trinity Groves complex, then get together at the outdoor seating area at AvoEatery. There will not be a formal program in Dallas, but McLean has planned fun icebreakers to get the conversation started. The Dallas Connect will meet from 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m.

Meanwhile, Kandi Rose, who heads up the Hot Springs Connect Event, has planned a program for those attending. Speakers include Veronica Ayers, General Manager of KJBN radio, Evangelist, Author, and Founder of “His Inspiration Ministries,” Marquesa Lindsey, and Barbara Ferguson, Speaker and Co-Host of “Recovery Today” with Kandi Rose & Friends. The Hot Springs group will meet from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at World Buffet, 1200 Albert Pike Road, Hot Springs, AR.

Other cities gathering are Atlanta, Georgia, Charlotte, North Carolina and Nashville, Tennessee.

“We love our Summer events,” said Vice-President of National Connections, Tracey Mitchell. “There’s more time to talk and understand each other’s areas of influence, plus make lifetime connections.”

To find out where your city is meeting, navigate to

Christian Women in Media meets every Third Thursday, alternating between in-person and online events on Zoom. The next online international Connect Group meeting on ZOOM is scheduled for August 19th from Noon-1:15 p.m. Speakers will be Dierdre Reilly, author of The Pretend Christian, Terri Podlenski, owner of the Smart Creative Lab, and the worship will be led by Recording Artist Renee Rollins.

To register for any of the Connect Events, go to To become a member of Christian Women in Media, visit CWIMA’s website at:

About Christian Women in Media Association: Since 2002, Christian Women in Media Association (CWIMA), led by Founder and President Suellen Roberts, is a professional association dedicated to connecting women in purpose and vision. With a national platform focused on impacting our culture through media, our members work in the fields of social media, film, TV, radio, publishing, music, the arts, print media and entertainment. The organization promotes and provides opportunities for industry networking, professional equipping, and spiritual inspiration. CWIMA provides global conferences, Power Connect Events every third Thursday, national writing and music competitions, and international outreach.

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