Join Our Community
of World-Changers!
We believe God is calling Christian women in all forms of secular and faith-based media to RISE UP as a force for good. It's a BATTLE and you are on the front lines. Don't go it alone! Lock arms with us.
"As a member of CWIMA, my connections have chiefly been online and through social media. However, just to see how God is using other women at this moment in history is a strong motivator for me. It helps me to keep my focus and to carry on!"
--Carol McLeod, Just Joy Ministries, Orchard Park, N.Y.
Membership to Christian Women in Media Association (CWIMA) is open to all Christian women actively working in media.
It is our desire to provide Christian mentorship as we connect women in purpose and vision. Media is not limited to television and radio. It includes all forms of mass communication including Social Media, Television, Print Media, Publishing, Radio, Film, Digital Content, Music, The Arts and Entertainment.
If you are the host of a program or a producer; if you write books or publish them; if you are an actor, a film producer or screenwriter, you are invited to join!
Christian Women in Media is dedicated to providing you with resources, networking, education, publications and access to some of the most dynamic media professionals. We have four membership plans as outlined below: (1) President’s Club Premium Gold; (2) President’s Club Premium Silver; (3) Bronze; and (4) Student.
Email TINA YEAGER if you have any questions.
All memberships are tax-deductible. Tax letters are provided each year.
Apply for membership below. Payment plans are available.
Start taking advantage of all the member benefits today!
Membership benefits subject to change without notification.
$180 or $15 per month
Monthly Connect Events, Media Mastery Academy, and Conferences
Submit an article to be featured on our Blog once per quarter
Live Prayer, Weekly Member Blog Share, Showcase your Projects
Thursday Morning Member Prayer Calls 8:00 - 8:30am CT, Access the Member Directory for connections and collaborations
$35 per year
Communications Students qualify for the Student BRONZE membership for just $35 per year. Up to 25 years old. Student ID required at events.
$500 or $125 per quarter or $42 per month
Event Discounts, Opportunity to be featured on our Blog, Members-Only Facebook Group, Connect and Network
The only way to have your headshot, bio, and link to your website and social media platforms on our website.
Display your Media Product, Book or Brochure at Connect events and Conferences
The advanced trainings through the Media Mastery Academy are complimentary for President's Club members.
* Private VIP Reception at Conferences
* E-Blast Marketing of the President's Club Directory
* Featherweight Laptop Briefcase
* A Personalized Leadership Plaque upon renewal.
$1,000 or $250 per quarter or $84 per month
Event Discounts, Opportunity to be featured on our Blog, Members-Only Facebook Group, Connect and Network
* Listed on the President's Club Directory
* Exposure at Live Events
* Advanced Trainings
* VIP Benefits
Receive a one hour media consultation with the CWIMA President.
Receive the Founder's personal media contacts from the CWIMA President.
This is a two-step process.
1. Please complete this application.
2. Select and process your desired membership plan in our Store.
Select your Membership level and process through our secure system.
BRONZE $15 monthlySILVER $42 MONTHLYSILVER $125 QUARTERLYGOLD $84 MONTHLYGOLD $250 QUARTERLYLet others know you are a member by adding the CWIMA logo to your website. Right click on the image to save.
We appreciate your membership in Christian Women in Media Association and the platform you provide to influence our culture for Christ through media.
Before each renewal, you will receive an email reminder one month before the start of each new term. This will replace filling your mailbox with renewal offers. You can upgrade your membership at any time.