Christian Women Unite: How Best to Utilize Media and Conferences
Staying connected to a community can be hard when that community is spread out across the whole country. Luckily, in today’s world of instant communication, such groups can remain a united front wherever its members are.
This rings especially true for professional Christian women working in the media, who often face adversity from the outside world. Such challenges can be hard to face alone, but by connecting with like-minded women working in similar fields, you can stand strong without sacrificing your core values.
One great way to proactively network is to attend a Christian Women Conference, where strong, career minded women discuss the challenges of working in media. You may even find a job among your Christian community members, as research shows that up to 80% of jobs are found through networking.
As both women and Christians, the obstacles we face are not encountered by other women, or Christian men. By discussing issues and expressing solidarity at Christian womens events, we can create and teach core skills to help us remain strong while facing hurdles alone at work.
Fully 77% of people say they prefer to meet face-to-face — this gives us a chance to read facial expression and body language, create real bonds and connections, and discuss strategies and business relationships. Building business connections is crucial to keeping the message we want to convey in the media, as well as advancing our own careers. Christian media is gaining ground and influences thanks to the women who have worked in both traditional and christian media.
Christian womens conferences are a great chance to meet friends, make travel and work connections, and trade ideas and stories for how to best meet challenges in the work place. About 95% of people say that face-to-face meetings are absolutely essential for long term business relationships. Don’t miss the chance to make these meetings with like minded Christian women in media at a Christian women conference.
In order to survive in the often grueling world of media, Christian women working in that field must stand united! Don’t hesitate to join with your fellow workers who understand your struggles and will help you to reach your goals, in the workplace and beyond.