Make a monthly donation to CWIMA

Thank you for helping us reach our culture for Christ!

Where are your donations going?

Every dollar given to Christian Women in Media is tax deductible and goes toward equipping, encouraging, and advancing Christian women to make a difference and redeem the use of Media for the Kingdom of God. Our goals for 2017-2018, our fifteen year of ministry, could never be accomplished without your generosity!

This is the donation form for a monthly contribution to CWIMA. If you prefer to make a one-time gift, please click here.

Donations - Monthly

  • Donation

  • Authorize Your Transaction

    By pressing the Submit button below, I authorize CWIMA and the financial institution named above to charge my account the amount I stated. This authority will remain in effect until I give notice to cancel it.

    After you click on submit you will be directed to PayPal to finish the transaction. If you do not have a PayPal account, click on the link that says "No PayPal account? Pay using your credit or debit card".
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.