Veronica Sites

Crowley, TX

Veronica Sites

Crowley, TX


Veronica is a roaring lamb and leader of trauma-informed coaching. As a business owner, life coach, and Dr. of Ministry in Crisis Response, she equips others from Scripture, and by biblical principle. What sets her apart is the foundation from which hope builds, transforms, and renews lives to become the living legacies that impact and influence others. As an influencer, she leads with diplomacy imparting wisdom in crisis interventions that leverage vulnerability and authenticity in business, Crisis Intervention, Disaster Response, Education, Emergency Services, Employee Assistance, Healthcare, Homeland Security, Mental Health, Spiritual Care, and Traumatic Stress. Her approach impacts lives for the better.

She champions mental wellness by addressing mind, body, and soul wounds so that living victorious life in Christ is realized in abundance!

While conflict is inevitable, the impact it has is determined by how one grows beyond circumstances. She trains others on how to navigate the storms of invisible wounds. Her passion is to empower achievement into potential through coaching through pain and losses that may have resulted in a cycle of hurt people that hurt other people and undermine personal achievement. Her clients become “free people empower and active in freeing other people.”