Nattolie Chilton

Alberta, CA
Nattolie Chilton

Nattolie Chilton

Alberta, CA


Nattolie Chilton has experienced the supernatural hand of God literally and undergone transformation down to a complete name change! She lived in darkness for decades. NOW a courageous truth teller, Nattolie urges people to break up with secrets. Her true story, “Unsilenced”,  is a nine-year process; then screenplay for film| series. Getting over a huge past is Nattolie’s specialty! She’s healed from domestic violence, addiction & many forms of abuse which took her to the bottom rung. Proverbs 18:21, life and death is in the tongue is a lifetime scripture. On her healing journey she earned a degree in neurolinguistics. Kinesiology testing proves we weaken with negative thoughts; love makes us stronger! It’s Nattolies greatest joy to be a safe person to those ready to disclose. Her ‘mess’-age is that Jesus’ truth and forgiveness can set us free. Recent interview, The Hope Report, Lindell Recovery Network she is 12 years sober by God’s Grace. Her Kingdom Ware swag is called: “His Heir” to remind us of our heavenly authority! Let’s build Kingdom together!