Kay Arthur

Precept Ministries, Intl
Chattanooga, TN

Kay Arthur

Precept Ministries, Intl
Chattanooga, TN


Kay Arthur’s exciting, practical approach to the Scriptures has influenced thousands to use the Inductive Bible Study Method in their personal studies. Her distinguished Christian character, Bible teaching, championing of the Inductive Bible Study Method, and national radio and television programs motivate others to discover truth for themselves. Kay’s passion is for people to be established in God’s Word.

At the age of 29, a divorced mother of two working as a nurse, Kay called in sick to the hospital where she was working because she was sick at heart, sick over the life of sin she had been living. She had a religion but did not possess a relationship with God. On the morning of July 16, 1963, she fell on her knees as a sinner and rose as pure and whole in the Lord’s sight. “For ‘Whoever will call upon the name of the LORD will be saved’” Romans 10:13, (NASB). “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come” (2 Corinthians 5:17, NASB). She hungered and thirsted for the Word of truth and began studying the Bible. Her relationship with the Lord and scriptural findings turned her sorrows into joy and her mourning into laughter.

God’s love poured down upon her in 1965 when she married a missionary with the Pocket Testament League named Jack Arthur. Together they served as missionaries in Mexico for three and a half years until health issues led them back to the States. In Chattanooga, Tennessee, Jack began managing a Christian radio station, and Kay began a teen Bible study. Though the study started as a small gathering in the living room of the couple’s home, it soon grew from teens to college students to adults. From the beginning of the gatherings Kay’s and Jack’s deepest desire was to establish people in God’s Word. The ministry they founded in 1970 became Precept Ministries International where they served together as CO-CEOs until February 2012 when they stepped down and their son David assumed the role of CEO. Both Kay and Jack are still actively working at the Ministry.

As one of the principal Bible teachers at Precept Ministries, Kay speaks extensively domestically and internationally teaching the Word of God and the Inductive Bible Study Method. She has taught in many countries including Israel, India, Romania, Russia, Czech Republic, Kazakhstan, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Taiwan, England, South Korea, Japan, Australia, Singapore, Scotland, Ukraine, Germany, Guatemala, Poland, and South Africa.

Kay is the teacher and host of Precepts for Life™, a daily television, radio, and online program which takes the student through the Bible book-by-book, verse-by-verse using the Inductive Bible Study Method. Precepts for Life has an audience reach of over 75 million households and broadcasts into over 30 countries.