June Hunt

Author, Radio Host
Hope for the Heart
Dallas, TX

June Hunt

Author, Radio Host
Hope for the Heart
Dallas, TX


June Hunt, is one of the world’s leading biblical counselors, whose lifework has yielded landmark contributions in her field. An author, singer and speaker, she founded Hope For The Heart in 1986. In 2016, the ministry will celebrate 30 years of changing lives through counsel, coaching and context for contemporary concerns – in over 60 countries on 6 continents.

June’s 100-topic Biblical Counseling Library provides in-depth insights. Her teaching is featured in her monthly Biblical Counseling Institute, and on two daily radio programs: Hope For The Heart and the live two-hour call-in counseling program, Hope In The Night. Combined, the broadcasts air on nearly 900 outlets worldwide. An accomplished musician, sought-after speaker, and top-selling author, June is dedicated to presenting God’s Truth for Today’s Problems.

Like June on Facebook at June.Hunt.Hope and follow her on Twitter @JuneHuntHope.