Refreshing, entertaining, amusing and provocative–words best describing Joni Lamb, one of America’s leading ladies in television. Joni is a dynamic television executive, producer, psalmist and talk show host. She and husband Marcus Lamb, founder and CEO of Daystar Television Network, have labored for nearly 30 years broadcasting the gospel through the medium of television. The network reaches 100 million homes in the U.S. and over 3 billion viewers via satellite and cable in every part of the world. Daystar is the fastest growing and second largest Christian television network in the world!
Joni is executive producer and host of her daily talk show “Joni.” “Joni” addresses relevant godly solutions for today’s complex problems. Joni displays the gentle nature of a lamb but the strength of a lion when defending the Word of God on difficult issue driven shows. Her uncompromising values on “Joni” have won the respect of millions. The show was awarded the Best Television Talk Show for 2004 by the prestigious organization of National Religious Broadcasters.
Joni and Marcus co-host Daystar’s daily flagship live broadcast “Celebration” featuring the nation’s most recognized faith-based leaders, businessmen, authors and entertainers.
In addition, but not the least of Joni’s accomplishments is her love and care she gives to her husband and children, Jonathan, Rachel and Rebecca. Her role as a mother and wife is her foremost responsibility and calling. Joni is a sought after conference speaker and ministers frequently with her husband Marcus throughout the country.