Angelia Waite

Author, TV, Radio
Huntsville, AL
Angelia Waite

Angelia Waite

Author, TV, Radio
Huntsville, AL


Angelia is a coffee-drinking, baseball-loving, jeans- and high heel-wearing Southern belle. She adores pearls, denim, and red lipstick, embodying a unique blend of elegance and authenticity.

As a sought-after conference speaker, her journey of personal tragedy, following the burying of her toddler due to a drowning accident, has ignited a passionate desire to help people navigate the unexpected challenges of life.

With Angelia’s enthusiastic and entertaining approach, she brings a visional and courageous perspective to her audience, always delivering original insights and inspiring messages. She will cause you to cry, gasp for air, and belly-laugh all in one sitting.

As an ordained minister and holder of a Doctor of Ministry degree from The King’s University in Dallas, Texas, Angelia’s expertise and wisdom shine through her writings and teachings. She has authored several books, with more exciting projects on the horizon.

As a biblical literacy advocate, Dr. Angelia is dedicated to spreading the Truth through various media outlets and empowering others to find strength and purpose in God’s Word. Over the past two decades (including her doctoral project focus), she has challenged social and biblical barriers to women’s equality and served as a champion to women. She anchors this passion on Galatians 3:28, “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” What are women to do when God’s call and society’s expectation are in conflict? Say “Yes” to Him!