Elevate Sponsorships


THREE FULL DAYS IN NASHVILLE: Saturday, Feb. 17 – Monday 19, 2024
At Embassy Suites – Nashville Airport Hotel


DOWNLOAD 2024 Sponsorship Opportunities Here

2024 Elevate Conference Sponsorship Opportunities

Get your message out to Elevate Conference attendees. Our media platforms thrive on a global scale. Each CWIMA media influencer represents an audience of hundreds, thousands, sometimes even millions, depending on her distribution. In fact, one known attendee has a TV show that is distributed to 600 million households.
Secure your 2024 sponsorship now while they are still available so you can reach these purpose-driven media audiences.


Note to sponsors: Branding videos shared on the main stage are to be produced by you and provided to our A/V Team to include in the event production.

All sponsorships are tax-deductible as a donation

Platinum Gala Awards Sponsor – $5,000 Member / $6,000 Non-Member

Monday, February 19 at 6:00PM   SOLD

In-Conference In-Conference Promotions:
Branding Video Display Main Stage @ Gala Awards Dinner, 3 minutes
Repeat Video 4 Times During Conference (pre & post-events)
Executive Recognition at Gala by Emcee
Big Screen Logo Display in All Main Stage Sessions
Priority Expo Booth & Banner Display
Bag Insert to All Attendees
Conference Attendance
2 Complimentary Registration Packages
2 Gala Awards Banquet Tickets
2 VIP Reserved Seats with Main Stage Participants
2 Complimentary Master Classes
Pre- and Post-Conference Promotions
Your Logo on CWIMA Conference E-Blasts to 4700+ Media Leaders Multiple Times
Your logo Display on the Connect Events e-blasts (4 times)
Your Logo Display on CWIMA Website until August 2024
Meme Display on the CWIMA social media platform (8 times)
Newsletter article submission and Logo Display


All sponsorships are tax-deductible as a donation

GOLD – Recognition Luncheon Sponsor – $4,000 Member / $5,000 Non-Member

Sunday, February 18   SOLD

In-Conference Promotions
Branding Video Display Main Stage @ Recognition Luncheon, 2 minute
Repeat Video 1 time during the conference (pre-event)
Big Screen Logo Display in All Main Stage Sessions
Expo Booth on Concourse
Banner Display on Concourse
Bag Insert to All Attendees
Conference Attendance
2 Complimentary Registration Packages
2 VIP Reserved Seats with Main Stage Participants
2 Complimentary Master Classes
Pre- and Post-Conference Promotions
Your Logo on CWIMA Conference E-Blasts to 4700+ Media Leaders Multiple Times
Website Logo display until August 2024
Newsletter Article Submission and Logo Display
One-Year CWIMA Bronze Membership

BRONZE – Main Stage Sponsor – $3,000 Member / $3,500 Non-Member

In-Conference Promotions
Branding Video Display on one Main Stage Session, 1 minute
* Main Stage Welcome Session – Saturday, February 17th at 9:30 AM
* Main Stage Evening Dinner Session- Saturday, February 17th at 6:00 PM
* Main Stage Luncheon Session – Monday, February 19th at 12:00 Noon
Big Screen Logo Display Multiple Times
Bag Insert to All Attendees
Expo Booth on Concourse
Conference Attendance
2 Complimentary Registration Packages
2 VIP Reserved Seats with Main Stage Participants
Pre- and Post-Conference Promotions
Your Logo in CWIMA Conference E-Blasts to 4700+ Media Leaders Multiple Times


Seminar Sponsor – $500 Member | $600 Non-Member

In-Conference Promotions
Executive Recognition by Seminar Leader (choose one seminar)
Display your Media Project/Marketing Materials in Seminar Room
Your logo on signage
Bag Insert to All Attendees

President’s Club Reception – $500 Member | $600 Non-Member

In-Conference Promotions
Executive Recognition by The President
Executive Presentation – 3 minutes to address President’s Club attendees
Distribution of Special President’s Club Sponsor Branded Gift
Bag Insert to All Attendees

Expo Booth – $350 Members | $450 Non-Members

Display your media project or organization marketing materials at an Expo Booth at the conference concourse throughout the event.

Banner Display on Concourse – $125 Members | $150 Non-Members (33″x80″)

Deluxe Conference Package – $500 Donation | $799 Value

In-Conference Promotions
Big Screen Logo Shared Display –Four times
Conference Attendance
One Complimentary Registration with meals
One Platinum Awards Gala Ticket
Two Complimentary Master Classes
Pre- and Post-Conference Promotions
Your Logo on Conference e-blasts to 4700+ Media Leaders 4 times
Membership Benefits
Complimentary Bronze Membership – One Year

All Sponsorships must be in keeping with the values of Christian Women in Media Association and approved by the Conference Committee.


Sponsorship information available upon request.

Contact Sue McGray at

BOOTH Information

The booth includes one 6 ft table with skirt and chair- Display during entire Conference,
Except Monday Evening

SHIPPING Information

Shipping Dates, Product to arrive between Monday, February 12- Wednesday, February 14, 2024
Embassy Suites by Hilton Nashville Airport, Attention: Jill Rucker, Elevate 24 Conference, 10 Century Boulevard, Nashville, TN 37214.
Ship 150 pieces.
Storage during those dates, complimentary.