Donna Skell
The line between believers and non-believers in today's society is getting more and more blurred and many Christians are not being conformed to Christ, but to the world. The difference between Christians and non-Christians should be as evident as night and day! We have been called OUT of the world to transform the world! We are to be IN the world, but not OF it! Remember our citizenship is in heaven, not here on earth!
To change the world requires that we put Jesus Christ first in everything we do, by becoming salt and light OUTSIDE the church.
That means we must be confident and effective in sharing Christ with others. One of the great passions of Donna Skell is lead her signature Testimony Workshop through her ministry, Roaring Lambs. She will guide you through looking back on your life to identify your spiritual timeline, putting together your own personal story of what God has done in your life.
A Roaring Lamb is a follower of Christ who boldly shares his/her faith and fulfills the final words of Christ to “make disciples of all the nations.” They do it without fear, or embarrassment, and look for opportunities to speak about the truth, found in the Gospel. At all times, and in all places, they are a living testimony to the saving power of Jesus Christ.
Don't miss this special opportunity to prepare yourself to always be ready to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope that you have with gentleness and respect (1 Peter 3:15).
Donna Skell is an experienced radio show host, well‐respected speaker, teacher, and ministry leader, and currently serves as the Executive Director of Roaring Lambs, a 4 year-old ministry that teaches people how to boldly communicate their faith.
The ministry started as a Bible Study that met at a Country Club for breakfast, designed to reach unchurched people. The Bible Study started on page 1 of Genesis, and since 1980 has gone chronologically through the Bible, now in its 5th trip. Donna and her husband, Anton, have been Directors of that class since its inception. Anton is currently the teacher.
Through Roaring Lambs, Donna organizes events, workshops, Bible studies and conferences. She also created My Story for His Glory Workshop, a 3-‐hour interactive teaching helping an individual construct their spiritual timeline, learn how to share the Gospel in everyday language, and confidently and effectively share their testimony. Participants learn how to present the Gospel against the backdrop of their own life.
In addition, Donna oversees Roaring Lambs Publishing and has helped authors bring their message to the marketplace. Donna has co-authored seven books, Stories of Roaring Faith, Volumes 1-5. Your Glory Story, and the Bible study Living Your Glory Story.
She is also Producer, Director, and Host of Roaring Lambs TV Show and A Time to Dream Radio Show where she interviews people with amazing stories of faith. The shows are aired all over the world through many networks. She has been married 43 years to Anton.
Before assuming the leadership of Roaring Lambs, Donna served as Special Assistant to the President of the American Tract Society, producers of Gospel tracts, where Donna encouraged and trained others on personal evangelism in churches.
Prior to that, Donna and her husband owned and operated a chain of Ladies’ Fitness clubs, called Cosmopolitan Lady, serving 60,000 members in 9 facilities, doing $10 million in annual sales.
Donna’s rich Jewish heritage and her study of God’s Word enhance her insight into the issues involved in Christian faith and living. In addition to her work, Donna serves as Advisor to both the Fellowship of Professional Women and the Christian Women in Media Association.